English language arts

Flotsam by David Weisner (Powerpoint, weekly plan and interview lesson plan)
This is my resources for using the picture book Flotsam with a class of lower key stage 2 pupils, however, it could be adapted for older or younger children. It includes a power-point of the book, a lesson plan, a weekly plan as well as word mats.

Year 1 Weather and Seasons Assembly Script
A script for a year 1 assembly on weather and the seasons and the book 'After the Storm' featuring Percy the Park Keeper. Has 30 lines and link to a free song to sing.

My Friend The Weather Monster Planning and Resources
Two weeks planning and resources for the book My friend the Weather Monster by Steve Smallman. Most suited to a year 1 class.

Amazing Grace 2 weeks Plan and Resources
2 Week Plan and resources for Amazing Grace by Mary Hoffman. Most suited for a Year 1 Class.

Jolly Postman Assembly
Jolly Postman assembly script and cast list. Most suited for a year 1, 2 or 3 class.

Tyrannosaurus Drip by Julia Donaldson Two Weeks Plan and activities
Tyrannosaurus Drip by Julia Donaldson Two Weeks Plan and activities.

Macavity the Mystery Cat Reading Comprehension
Reading comprehension text suitable for KS2/ practise SATs questions based on Macavity the Mystery cat by TS Eliot.

Two weeks planning on Lost and Found by Oliver Jeffers
Two weeks planning for teaching 'Lost and Found' by Oliver Jeffers. Most suitable for year 1. Includes powerpoint of the story .

100 Alien and Real words to read
A smart notebook of 100 alien and real words featuring phase 3 and 5 sounds.

Paddington Bear planning
Six weeks planning based on the picture book of Paddington bear. Most suited to a Year 2 class.

Paddington Bear planning
Four weeks planning based on the first Paddington Bear picture book. Most suited to a Year 2 class but could be adapted to other year groups.

Phase 5 Planning and resources
Intensive phase 5 planning covering all sounds (apart from u-e) in 5 weeks. Includes planning, smart notebooks and pictures for each phonics words in a bag activity for each day. The format of each day is exactly the same but this has helped to ensure children's learning is focused in the sounds and has been highly effective in boosting our phonics scores!

Chocolate spread biscuit sandwich instruction lesson
A great lesson for teaching the writing of instructions for years 1-4. Contains lesson plan, powerpoints and writing guides.

A week's Spelling Planning for Words Ending in the 'ture' and 'sure' Sound
This is a weekly plan for a week's 30 minute spelling lessons on words ending in the 'sure' and 'ture' sound. It contains a powerpoint for the week, lesson plans for the week, resources for the lessons and a homework sheet. It is suitable for the year three/ four curriculum spelling objectives.

Comprehension paper based around the history Stockton On Tees
A non-fiction text written about the history of Stockton on Tees in the North of England. It would be good for SATs revision. It contains questions around retreival and inference. Also good at looking at the changes in time from the Industrial Revolution to the present day.